Sunday 21 July 2024


I am writing to advise residents, visitors and businesses that there will be traffic controls around Arderne Place on Thursday 25th, Friday 26th and potentially Monday 29th July (weather permitting). Access will be controlled between the hours of 09.30 and 15.30 to enable Cheshire East Highways to introduce parking restrictions (double yellow lines) at this location.

Permanent parking restrictions are being introduced at the request of local residents and following a full public consultation, during which the proposals enjoyed a high level of public support. The restrictions are necessary to address obstructive parking around the entrance to Arderne Place, which has become a persistent problem and has caused repeated missed refuse collections to residential properties. 

The restrictions are being introduced at a cost of around £5,200 which I am funding from my Ward Councillor’s annual budget for minor highways works. My Ward Budget for 2023/24 was approximately £6,500. I would like to thank residents for their patience and support in helping me to bring this scheme to fruition and apologise for any inconvenience caused during the implementation phase.

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