Friday, 17 February 2017


Create your own user feedback survey


  1. This bridge and footpath have been there for years. It is a vital route for cars, and if made one way will only increase traffic through the centre of Alderley. Maybe the cheapest thing is to put a (monitored) 10mph speed limit over the bridge so that drivers are forced to take care?

    1. Hi Mike,
      Thanks for your comment. My view is that traffic heading towards Chelford will either turn down Ryleys Lane (if coming from Wilmslow) or turn left towards Nether Alderley (if coming down Macclesfield Road), so it is possible that the proposal will actually reduce traffic through the village centre. In the longer term, I am also exploring the possibility of roundabouts at both the Brook Lane and Ryleys Lane junctions, to ease traffic flows further. Best wishes, Craig

  2. Craig, fully agree with the proposal. My understanding is that the one-way flow is up Chorley Hall Lane to London Road (ie flowing east). This is essential - the other way round would cause mayhem with increased traffic going up Ryleys Lane and trying to turn right into the village which is already a hazardous junction. Just wanted to check I'm correct. Also I propose that the one-way is extended beyond Carlisle Street to the junction with London Road - it is very narrow opposite Fosters chip shop and delivery lorries (and inappropriate parking by lazy fish+chip customers!) can cause significant traffic difficulties. Clive

    1. Hi Clive, thanks for posting. I am happy to confirm that the intention is for the traffic to flow towards London Road (i.e. in the direction of the village). CE Highways will be carrying out a traffic assessment next month, to collect data on vehicle flows, speeds and classifications. Best wishes, Craig

  3. Hi Craig, I'm trying to find the questionnaire that you mentioned in your letter a while back. I've followed the link that was provided but can't seem to locate it. Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Lucy.

    1. Hi Lucy, my residents survey is now closed, but if you have any comments you can post them here, or drop me an email. CE Highways will also run a formal consultation later in the year.
      Kind regards, Craig


Please note that whilst I am pleased to publish and respond to comments left by residents, any comments left anonymously will be deleted.