Sunday 29 September 2024

County Hotel Development (Update)

I recently had the opportunity to inspect progress on the redevelopment of the site of the former County Hotel on Wilmslow Road. The site already has planning permission for a development of 14 apartments, but an amendment has recently been applied for which would see this number increase to 16 apartments.

The former County Hotel is a key gateway to our village of Alderley Edge and I know that residents are keen to know when the works are going to be completed, given that the site has been left in a state of dereliction and decay for a number of years. Thankfully, all that is now changing and works to transform the site have been ongoing for several months.

I would like to record my thanks to the representatives of Stockport Developments Ltd for allowing me access to the site and for showing me round. I would also like to thank them for finding a number of local community projects through voluntary infrastructure contributions, including the new cycle shelter at South Street Car Park and a pedestrian refuge on Wilmslow Road.

The following photographs give an indication of progress to date, as well as of the views which will be enjoyed by the eventual occupants of the apartments. Final completion is expected in Summer 2025. 

(c) photos are property of Cllr Craig Browne and may be reproduced with relevant credits.

Sunday 21 July 2024


I am writing to advise residents, visitors and businesses that there will be traffic controls around Arderne Place on Thursday 25th, Friday 26th and potentially Monday 29th July (weather permitting). Access will be controlled between the hours of 09.30 and 15.30 to enable Cheshire East Highways to introduce parking restrictions (double yellow lines) at this location.

Permanent parking restrictions are being introduced at the request of local residents and following a full public consultation, during which the proposals enjoyed a high level of public support. The restrictions are necessary to address obstructive parking around the entrance to Arderne Place, which has become a persistent problem and has caused repeated missed refuse collections to residential properties. 

The restrictions are being introduced at a cost of around £5,200 which I am funding from my Ward Councillor’s annual budget for minor highways works. My Ward Budget for 2023/24 was approximately £6,500. I would like to thank residents for their patience and support in helping me to bring this scheme to fruition and apologise for any inconvenience caused during the implementation phase.

Tuesday 30 April 2024


I am pleased to report that the boundary wall to a property on Brook Lane is finally to be reconstructed by Cheshire East Highways. The wall was severely damaged during a road traffic accident over six years ago and has been the subject of a complex legal process ever since. 

Lead Highways Engineer & Project Manager, Ian Maclachlan has confirmed that Cheshire East Legal Services have written to the property owner advising that the Highways Team will be accessing their land in order to carry out a reconstruction of the wall during week commencing Monday 20th May. 

Whilst the works are being carried out, temporary traffic signals will be in place. I would therefore advise local residents to use an alternative route, or allow additional time for their journey. Cheshire East Legal Services will be seeking to recover the costs of the reconstruction work. 

Hopefully this will allow a line to be drawn under this unfortunate, long running and frustrating episode.


I am pleased to report that repair works to Congleton Road have now been scheduled for 21st - 24th May. During this period there will be traffic signals in place between the junctions of Beechfield Road and Whitebarn Road, so please allow extra journey time.

Level 2 patching repairs will be carried out (similar to the works that were carried out on London Road last year). This is something I have been pressing for over a number of months and I am grateful to officers from Cheshire East Highways for responding positively.

Further works are due to be carried out on Wilmslow Road (approaching Whitehall Brook Roundabout) later in the year. Cheshire East Council is now in the third year of an additional investment programme which has seen an extra £19m spent on repairs across the Borough; however, this figure represents only 10% of the investment that is actually needed, as the council has a backlog of over £180m in repairs for which no funding is available.

Friday 17 November 2023


I would like to alert residents to the fact that an outline planning application has been submitted for a development of nine affordable dwellings on land adjacent to Jenny Heyes, off Heyes Lane. If the application were to be approved, a subsequent application would be necessary to provide details of access, design and appearance of the proposed dwellings.

The location of the proposed development sits within the green belt; however, planning policies allow green belt development to be considered when exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated; a development of exclusively affordable housing is one of these exceptional circumstances and therefore the proposals cannot be automatically dismissed as "inappropriate development within the green belt".

As the proposed development site lies outside the Ward Boundary, the policies within the Alderley Edge Neighbourhood Plan do not apply and we shall have to rely on policies within the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan in order to either object to the proposals, or ensure that the most appropriate development possible at this location is delivered.

I am of the opinion that there are several areas where the development proposals do not comply with the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan, particularly Policy TH1 (ribbon development at gateway or entrance sites), Policy PR3 (connectivity to a safe and accessible pedestrian network), and Policy TA4 (connectivity to safe and well-lit sustainable travel routes for walking and cycling).

The application will be called in for consideration by Northern Planning Committee; however, I would invite residents of Alderley Edge to make their views known by responding to the consultation online, before Tuesday 5th December at 

Thursday 16 November 2023


A number of residents have recently contacted me to report issues with low water pressure within their properties. After initially believing these issues were related to the works Cadent Gas have been carrying out in the area, I followed up residents' concerns with the Network Manager at Cheshire East Highways, who in turn has spoken to his counterpart at United Utilities.

After carrying out investigative works in the area, United Utilities have located a fault on a Pressure Management Valve (PMV), which measures water pressure and helps control water flows. In order to rectify the problem, they will need to carry out a major service of the PMV and this will involve the installation of traffic signals and temporary suspension of the pedestrian crossing on Ryleys Lane.

Recognising Ryleys Lane as a key walking route for school children, as well as its proximity to Alderley Edge Community Primary School, United Utilities intend to carry out the works outside school hours. It is anticipated that the temporary suspension of the crossing will commence from 18.00 hours on Friday and that works will be completed before midnight.

United Utilities are hopeful that this will address the water pressure issues that residents in the area have been experiencing; however, they have also asked me to highlight that most water bursts are down to ground conditions and movement and can happen at any time.