Locally, we have been allocated three small sites; two of these were in the initial draft of the SADPD which was published in 2018, a further site has been added and one site has been removed (land at Horseshoe Farm, which had previously been identified as safeguarded for employment use). As a result, the sites which now appear in the submission version of the plan are:
- land at Jenny Heyes (ALD 1) for the development of approximately 10 homes;
- land at Ryleys Farm (ALD 2) for the development of approximately 45 homes;
- land at Ryleys Farm (ALD 3) safeguarded for a future plan period, after 2030;
- land north of Beech Road (ALD 4) for the development of approximately 35 homes.
There will be a full public consultation on these plans, starting in mid-August and running for 6 weeks until approximately the end of September. Once the consultation has been launched, I will be organising meetings for residents of the areas immediately affected, to explain the plans in more detail as well as familiarising them with how to respond to the consultation process.
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