Monday, 9 September 2019


Alderley Edge Parish Council recently carried out a survey of your preference for new Christmas Lights in the village. We presented three different options for column decorations and we were delighted that 148 residents completed the survey and gave us their views. I am now pleased to confirm the results which were as follows:

Option 1 (Star Blizzard) received just 10% of the first preference votes (3rd place)
Option 2 (Star Turn) received 33% of the first preference votes (2nd place)
Option 3 (Star Delight) received 57% of the first preference votes (1st place)

Having received over half of the first preference votes, Option 3 (Star Delight) was therefore the clear winner and an order has now been placed for this decoration to be installed on the fourteen lamp columns on London Road, from Piccolino's to Coggles in time for this year's Christmas Lights Switch-On event which will take place on Thursday 21st November.

The Parish Council have carried out a tender exercise to obtain the best price for the column decorations, which we will have for the next three years (although they will be taken down each January and stored securely until the following November). In order to allow us more time to fundraise, we have taken the decision to delay the replacement of the tree lights until next year.


On Thursday 29th August I joined local residents and members of our Community Speedwatch team on Brook Lane, between 10am and 11am. On this occasion we recorded a total of 30 vehicles exceeding the speed threshold (this is on the approach to a school safety zone, where the speed limit is 20 mph, although of course being August the schools were not in). The results in full were:

22 vehicles travelling at or above 36 mph (the speed threshold) but below 40 mph
8 vehicles travelling at or above 40 mph
The average speed of all vehicles was 39 mph

Our next session will be on Thursday 26th September. We are always keen to welcome new volunteers to the team, as the more volunteers we have the more sessions we will be able to run. If you are interested in joining the team, please drop me an email (