I am pleased to confirm that this scheme, which is being funded through the Local Area Highways Partnership, has now been signed off and will be implemented once the legal order has been drawn up. This follows a recent traffic survey undertaken during October which found that over a 24-hour period, the average number of vehicles using this junction was as follows:
- 628 vehicles turning off London Road into West Street
- of which 480 were travelling south and 148 travelling north
- 1,104 vehicles turning onto London Road from West Street
- of which 783 were turning left and 321 turning right
The peak periods of traffic flow past the junction were found to be between 08.45 - 09.44 (1,058 vehicles), 12.00 - 12.59 (1,024 vehicles) and 16.45 - 17.44 (1,135 vehicles). I am pleased that the figures support the proposed direction of the one-way system and I look forward to it bringing about an improvement in pedestrian and driver safety at this location.