Friday, 23 December 2016


I am pleased to confirm that the footpath clearing by Ryleys Farm has been completed, although I have had to ask the Highways Team to come back again, as the footpath was supposed to be cleared right round the corner up to and including the section of footpath opposite Chorley Old Hall.  I will give an update on this, as soon as I have more information.

Ryleys Lane, Alderley EdgeRyleys Lane, Alderley Edge

Thursday, 22 December 2016


I will be holding my final drop-in surgery of the year, at 11am on Christmas Eve.  Please do come and join me for a coffee and a mince pie at Aldeli.  Can I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy, holy and peaceful Christmas, as well as a successful New Year.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Following my discussions with CEC (Parking), extending the Ryleys Lane Car Park has been proposed as the most viable solution to our short to medium term parking needs. Officers are now working on the business case (to be put before Cabinet) to add 40 spaces initially, then a one-level deck for another 60 cars in the future. Please let me know what you think of this proposal, using the comments box below.

Monday, 12 December 2016


After several months of negotiations, CEC (Assets) have offered the plot of land on the far side of the tennis courts in the park for a part-relocation of Heyes Lane Allotments.  This could eventually allow approximately 25% of the existing allotments to be converted to a car park, providing short to medium term parking for the new Medical Centre and Festival Hall. Please let me know whether you think this is a good idea, using the comments box below.


Cheshire East Highways have begun adding the 15 new on-street parking spaces, beginning with South St, West St & London Road. Further spaces should shortly be added in Stevens St & George St. At Monday's Parish Council meeting, I will be giving an update on my negotiations with Cheshire East, including potential plans for a further 190 new spaces.

Thursday, 8 December 2016


I am pleased to confirm that the renovation of the children's play area in the park is almost complete.  The table-tennis tables under the bandstand are ready, the cheddar gorge and climbing frame have been installed and the workmen are now laying the surface in the infants' play area, with new turf due to be laid tomorrow.  The play area will be officially opened by members of Alderley Edge Youth Council on Saturday at 3pm.

Alderley Edge ParkAlderley Edge Park