Friday 17 November 2023


I would like to alert residents to the fact that an outline planning application has been submitted for a development of nine affordable dwellings on land adjacent to Jenny Heyes, off Heyes Lane. If the application were to be approved, a subsequent application would be necessary to provide details of access, design and appearance of the proposed dwellings.

The location of the proposed development sits within the green belt; however, planning policies allow green belt development to be considered when exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated; a development of exclusively affordable housing is one of these exceptional circumstances and therefore the proposals cannot be automatically dismissed as "inappropriate development within the green belt".

As the proposed development site lies outside the Ward Boundary, the policies within the Alderley Edge Neighbourhood Plan do not apply and we shall have to rely on policies within the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan in order to either object to the proposals, or ensure that the most appropriate development possible at this location is delivered.

I am of the opinion that there are several areas where the development proposals do not comply with the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan, particularly Policy TH1 (ribbon development at gateway or entrance sites), Policy PR3 (connectivity to a safe and accessible pedestrian network), and Policy TA4 (connectivity to safe and well-lit sustainable travel routes for walking and cycling).

The application will be called in for consideration by Northern Planning Committee; however, I would invite residents of Alderley Edge to make their views known by responding to the consultation online, before Tuesday 5th December at 

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